MTC Help: Inspections Application
Inspection Task List

To view all Inspection Tasks, click on Inspection Tasks from the tab drop down menu or the blue horizontal menu bar from within the Inspections Application.

The Inspection Task List will show all past due, current, and future tasks. Click the button on the left to view all unassigned or past due tasks (1). To narrow the list further, you can use Filters (2) to select one or more buildings, enter a date range, select one or more Assets, choose one or more Designees, and/or the status of the tasks you want to view.

If you select one filter, click the green circle refresh icon in the box to apply the filter. If you select more than one filter, click the Update filters button when finished. You also have a search box (3) at the top of the list.

By clicking on the grey arrow at the top of a column in the Task list (4), you can sort by due date, date completed, inspection score, status, name, Asset, Designee or building. Clicking on the three grey dots (5) to the left of the due date will allow you download a PDF document, delete a task, edit the designee assignment, edit the Inspection responses within the Mobile Task Manager, or edit the due date for one specific task.
Clicking within the row of a task will open the Inspection Task Details page. The details page includes general information about the inspection task, a link to the inspection pdf, a link to edit Inspection responses within the Mobile Task Manager, and a link to edit the due date of the task.

If the task has been completed, the start date, completed date, designee who completed the inspection, total time, and the inspection score, if scoring was enabled will be shown. The Inspection and all recorded responses will be shown below.

Created by Amy Fawcett on October 17, 2019