MTC Help: Inspections Application
Assets List Page & Creating Assets

An Asset can be an area of the building, a specific piece of equipment, a general building walkthrough, vacant suite check, etc., depending on how you'd like to set up an Inspection.

To view all Assets, click on Assets from the tab drop down menu or the blue horizontal menu bar from within the Inspections Application.

The Asset List page includes assets created within the Inspection app such as general building inspections or restroom checks. It can also include a full list of your PM Equipment, if enabled in the Preferences. If you choose to include PM Equipment, each piece of equipment will be identified by a wrench/screwdriver icon to the right of the name.
The following options are available on the Assets List page:
1. Filters, Search & Columns: The list can be filtered by Building, Date Range, and type of Asset, using the filters under the Options tab. If you check off one filter, click the green refresh icon to narrow the list. If you select more than one filter, click the Update filters button when finished.

There is also a search box at the top of the page to search by keyword. By clicking on the grey arrow at the top of a column in the list, you can sort by Asset Name, Asset Notes, Building, Last Inspection or Date the Asset was Added.
2. Quick Edit: Clicking on the three grey dots to the left of an Asset will allow you Edit, Delete, or Duplicate the Asset. If you select the three dots next to a piece of PM Equipment, the only option will be to edit the equipment. If selected, the Equipment Details page will open within the Preventative Maintenance Application.
3. Bulk Update:The bulk update feature allows you to delete or duplicate multiple Assets at the same time. First, click Bulk Update on the left, then check the box next to each Asset you want to duplicate or delete. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the action from the dropdown menu, and click submit. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm the action. Please note: PM equipment cannot be updated within the Inspections application, it must be done within the Preventative Maintenance Application.

Creating Assets

To create a new Asset, click the button on the left.

First, enter a name for the Asset.  Second, choose the building, or buildings, the Asset will be associated with. Third, enter any applicable notes, if desired. Last, click Save.

This will bring you to the Asset Details page. There will be a green Success message at the top and a button next to the message allowing you to create another new Asset, if desired.

From this page you can schedule an Inspection, as well as edit, duplicate, or delete the Asset.
Created by Amy Fawcett on October 17, 2019